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Our Commitment To Origin & Quality

                 We are the direct importer of products and responsible for product quality and the exclusive agent in Vietnam. We commit to the following:

  1. Products are imported 100% in full bottles from foreign manufacturers to Vietnam. Fully expressed in import records including CO, CQ. Full proof of product origin, from the regions and territories where the product is manufactured and bottled.
  2. Products we import from reputable and high quality manufacturers in the world, are global brands, customers can check directly from the websites of manufacturers in the world.
  3. About the awards proving the quality origin of the product, customers can check it at wine assessment organizations in the world such as:, JamesSuckling, LucaMorani, Drinkinternational ....we are committed to always truth has been announced.
  4. We have professional cold storage to preserve and preserve in the best conditions, to keep the products always stable and growing in the best conditions.
  5. We have a complimentary service attached to serve our customers to enjoy their wine in the best condition with free loan of wine glasses, chillers and decanters.
  6. Finally, we commit to customers when buying at CAVA store and website "100% real wine, a fake bottle compensates 100 times the product value"